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How to start learning Web-development



After 12th every math / science student have a questionwhat we have to do or not do so, here we have some answer for those student who want to enjoy their vacation and want to study something new interesting so here we have some new work for them
Student who wants to go in CSE(computer science engineering ) then they can learn coding from home in vacation after 12th so in 1st year it will help him after 12th CSE student go to learn C/C++,PYTHAN,JAVA,JAVA(SCRIPT),etc languages & many more languages which are available at online on youtube many people are making free video for student which are very helpful  for them .

 Why students learn these languages ?
This is a very big question in mind of every 1st year student why it  is important to learn this language . reason behind this languages is after learning then student can understand the machine language because computer can understand only  machine language and this programming languages convert our language in machine languages .
Every CSE (COMPUTER SCIENCE ENG.) must have to learn this languages for there futhur because at this time it was very important that every student seen forward and learn this languages .
C/C++ languages are the basic of machine learning and this is must to learn first C/C++ lang. because if ours basic are clear then in learning of other language we don’t show any problem
If in schooling time you start coding then you get many knowledge and you know all thing which may be many student are not know at the time of collage and you are prepare for it and you prepare for more other programming skill in collage 
There is more language which are important and to known more about them you can go on you tube. 

Which software or IDE (Integrated development environment) are helpful to learn this languages?
There is many software  to learn this languages  for basic start you have start coding on “MS turbo” which was simple to learn coding on them but for regular basic we want to start  coding on “ vs-code”, “dev” etc. many more software are present . for Microsoft user “vs-code” is best which was good  for all languages and we can code all languages on it. So for more information about coding and software detail subscribe our channel who’s link are given. 
these integrated development environment (IDE) is very useful and easy for us to coding and they have very useful feature for us and one of the ide is vs-code in it we get many features like if we are writing a code and there is any small mistake vs-code capture it and show us a error and it show us the line where the error is generated these type of feature available in vs-code and it is belong to or developed by Microsoft the very known company there is many similar integrated development environment (IDE) are like sublime , atom , dev many more are present in market for coding .


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