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Showing posts from December, 2020

How to start learning Web-development

How to calculate adult age in C / C++ language using if-else and switch statment?

Calculating adult age in c languages  Here we  writing code of c language  // How to Know that the person is adult and child in c language ? 1. #include   <stdio.h> #include   <conio.h> int   main () {      // Here we declared the variable      int   age ;      printf ( "Enter age of the person :" );      scanf ( " %d " ,  & age );  //Here we entered the age      // We use if else statement for check that entered age person was child or adult      if  ( age   >   18 )     {          printf ( "This age person is Adult" );     }      else     {          printf ( "This age person is Child" );     }      return   0 ; } Output - Enter the age of the person :12 This age person is Child 2.  using switch statement  // making age checker through switch statement #include   <stdio.h> int   main () {      int   option ;      printf ( "Enter the option in the following : \n " );      printf ( "1.Age is greater then 18

what type of IDE we have to use for c/c++ languages

 IDE we have to use for c/c++ languages :- Every beginner student  was start programming with C/C++ languages and many of student have issues is that which text editor we have to prefer for codding and programming so here i tell you about which code editor you have prefer so here we tell you about many code editor so shall we start in below following are most preferable code editor are  Most preferable code editor are :- 1.  VS CODE      This code editor is mostly used by  programmer in competitive level and also in collages and this is a best programming ide and it is belongs to Microsoft one of the best company which most of the people belive so for starting  you start with vs-code ide and its UI is very simple to understand but at start have to take a tutorial about it in YOUTUBE  so first  start programming with this . Download link - 2. sublime text  This is also most preferable text editor for C/C++ and also used by many programmer in collages and

What we have to do for learn Front End Developnment

 About Front End Development :- In front end development also knows as website development are very useful for freelancing and in web designing we have to learn these type of languages which are like HTML , CSS , JAVASCRIPT, and there framework like react and more and on completion of it you can learn many thing like Back End Development and many more if you want you should take a paid course but if you want to learn that things in free search on youtube .  Many youtube channel offer free video tutorial on web developnment and that video are very much helpful and you can learn it  in no cost and one lose of youtube and benefit of Paid course it certificate maximum people are doing paid course because of certification of that and this is all that we need that we get certificates of doing course and is very beneficial for us . so you can choice what you want to do in web development and there is many web site which give you option to get paid course like intershala , geeksforgeeks , etc

How we change atom ide icon theme

How we setup atom ide in windows - Atom integrated development environment was quiet similar to vs code in function or say feature and we write type of languages in atom ide but atom is quiet heavy to load and you can use it as primary ide and code on it also developed by github which was very know by all coding communities github is a very know for all coder because it was a code hosting platform which is used to for to person will work togather on same project like web developnment and app developnment this is for a private profile if you have a public profile on github then those person who have better suggestion for you then they suggest you for modification on it and if you want then you can modified on them. Steps to setup - step 1 : go to any web browser  step 2 : search for atom ide or click on  link   step 3: then click on download button  step 4: it take time to download and after that setup it  step 5: after install go to file option placed at top-left  step 6: then click on