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How we change atom ide icon theme

How we setup atom ide in windows -

Atom integrated development environment was quiet similar to vs code in function or say feature and we write type of languages in atom ide but atom is quiet heavy to load and you can use it as primary ide and code on it also developed by github which was very know by all coding communities github is a very know for all coder because it was a code hosting platform which is used to for to person will work togather on same project like web developnment and app developnment this is for a private profile if you have a public profile on github then those person who have better suggestion for you then they suggest you for modification on it and if you want then you can modified on them.

Steps to setup -

step 1 : go to any web browser 
step 2 : search for atom ide or click on link 
step 3: then click on download button 
step 4: it take time to download and after that setup it 
step 5: after install go to file option placed at top-left 
step 6: then click on it and select open folder
step 7: then select which folder you want to open 
step 8: after selecting start coding 

Atom is very heavy to load but the feature of atom ide was very workfull and cool and the feature was very useful for us atom integrated development environment we can code all type of language in atom and the main thing in the atom is that it belongs to or say developed by GITHUB which was very know website for developer so their is all doubt is clear so go and use atom ide .

How we change atom ide icon theme 

If you want to make  your atom IDE more interesting or attractive for using and also you use it in hour and mostly work  done on atom ide you should makeover the atom ide icon for changing icon follow the steps given below :-

Step-1 : First take cruiser to file which at top-left side on screen then click on setting 

Step-2 : Then click on it go to theme option and select them

Step-3:  There is many option of UI theme and SYNTAX theme for changing and " If you want to more theme go next step " and search for them and select which you want and go with that

Step-4: Go to install option on left side then click on them and it take time to download depends on your laptop after download select them.

Step-5:  Search theme and set it according to you choose and go with that

 If you think that atom take lots of space in your pc and it not work on you pc then if you think for upgrading your pc then you want a portable machine so you do not  have any choice go with Gaming Laptop which also a best machine for coding and developing so if you want to do both things gaming or coding go for gaming laptop 




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