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Basic Structure explanation of c , c++ , html , python with the help of code


1. Basic structure of c program -

// #include<conio.h>

int main(){
int a ,b,c; // defining integer here 
// simple hello world 
printf("hello world");
// use of integer 
printf("Enter the value of a -\n"); // printf is use for print any value , sentense etc
scanf("%d",&a); // scanf is use for getting integer value 
printf("Enter the value of b -\n");
c = a+b; //we can use any operater here
printf("%d",c );


output -
hello world
enter the value of a =
enter the value of b =
value of c =24

2. basic structure of c++ program -

#include <iostream> // here we explaining header which include the explanation

using namespace std;
int main()
int a, b, c; //declaring integer
cout << "enter the value of a =" << endl; // use for print on output screen
cin >> a; // use for getting the value
cout << "enter the value of b =" << endl;
cin >> b;
c = a + b; // here we use any operator and the value of result goes in c
cout << "value of c =" << c; // print the value of c

return 0;

output -
enter the value of a =
enter the value of b =
value of c =24

3. basic structure of html -

<!-- HTML code -->

<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- This is explaining browser that it a document type-->
<html lang="en"> <!-- here we explaining language-->
<!-- meta is not important for us as starting of html learning -->
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Document</title> <!--IT is a title of the website which you show in tab-->
<!-- we enter style tag here also -->
/* all css was we write here */
<!-- here we first use heading tag -->
<h1>this is a heading tag and the line was look on browser very bold , stronge and cool </h1>
<!-- here we use paragarph tag -->

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Consectetur ipsam nostrum libero ea quaerat animi illo et minima, ducimus neque esse quam magnam quo laborum veritatis quod doloremque molestias odit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Adipisci blanditiis facere iusto esse facilis deserunt quae dignissimos animi, laudantium, architecto laborum eos omnis quam deleniti recusandae impedit voluptas aliquid maxime.

<!-- here we use em for change font style in italian style -->
<em>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Debitis rem minima sed quisquam officiis tempore architecto in eius porro quam, commodi culpa, quis suscipit tenetur animi tempora numquam dolorum recusandae. lore</em>

output -

this is a heading tag and the line was look on browser very bold , stronge and cool

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Consectetur ipsam nostrum libero ea quaerat animi illo et minima, ducimus neque esse quam magnam quo laborum veritatis quod doloremque molestias odit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Adipisci blanditiis facere iusto esse facilis deserunt quae dignissimos animi, laudantium, architecto laborum eos omnis quam deleniti recusandae impedit voluptas aliquid maxime.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Debitis rem minima sed quisquam officiis tempore architecto in eius porro quam, commodi culpa, quis suscipit tenetur animi tempora numquam dolorum recusandae. lore


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