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C++ programming tutorial 3

 Control statement in c++ programming -

1. For loop statement in c++ programming - 

In this loops we run a single part of code many times this used for simple our programming and in less code , time work done is same .

Syntax -
for(int i =0; i< x ; i++){

Code - 
// For loop in c++ language 

using namespace std;
int main()
    int i , a;
    cout<<"Loop was start Below "<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter the value of a:"<<endl;
        cout<< "this is a number count :"<< i<<endl;
    return 0;

Output -
Loop was start Below 
Enter the value of a:
this is a number count :0
this is a number count :1
this is a number count :2
this is a number count :3
this is a number count :4
this is a number count :5
this is a number count :6
this is a number count :7
this is a number count :8
this is a number count :10
this is a number count :11
this is a number count :12

2. Switch statement in C++ programming -

In switch statement we use it like options for user we enter multiple or different condition like addition of two variable , multiplication of two variable etc and user have choice in this option and they set it .

Syntax -
switch (expression)
case /* constant-expression */:
/* code */


Code -
// Switch statement 
using namespace std;
int main()
    int option,a,b,c,d;
    cout<<"This are the option you have choose : "<<endl;
    cout<<"1. Addition of variable"<<endl;
    cout<<"2. Subtraction of variable"<<endl;
    cout<<"3. Multiplication of variable"<<endl;
    cout<<"4. Division of variable"<<endl<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter the option :"<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter the two variable :"<<endl;
    cout<<"Variable A :"<<endl;
    cout<<"Variable B :"<<endl;
    switch (option)
    case 1:
        cout<<"Addition of the Variable is :"<<endl;
        c = a + b;
    case 2:
        cout<<"Subtraction of the Variable is :"<<endl;
        c = a - b;
    case 3:
        cout<<"Multiplication of the Variable is :"<<endl;
        c = a * b;
    case 4:
        cout<<"Division of the Variable is :"<<endl;
        d = a / b;;


Output -
This are the option you have choose : 
1. Addition of variable
2. Subtraction of variable
3. Multiplication of variable
4. Division of variable

Enter the option :
Enter the two variable :
Variable A :
Variable B :
Addition of the Variable is :

3. Break statement in c++ programming -
In break statement it stop the follow of any loops let say for loop is running then it will stop the program if given condition is matched.

Syntax -


Code -
// Break statement in c++ programming 
using namespace std;
int main()
    int i , a;
    cout<<"Loop was start Below "<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter the value of a:"<<endl;
        cout<< "this is a number count :"<< i<<endl;
    return 0;

Output -
Loop was start Below 
Enter the value of a:
this is a number count :0
this is a number count :1
this is a number count :2
this is a number count :3
this is a number count :4
this is a number count :5
this is a number count :6
this is a number count :7
this is a number count :8
this is a number count :9

4. Continue statement in c++ programming -
In this it is opposite to the break statement break stop the loop but continue statement skip the condition and continue it .

Syntax -

Code -
// Continue statement in c++ programming 
using namespace std;
int main()
    int i , a;
    cout<<"Loop was start Below "<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter the value of a:"<<endl;
        cout<< "this is a number count :"<< i<<endl;
    return 0;

Output -

Loop was start Below 
Enter the value of a:
this is a number count :0
this is a number count :1
this is a number count :2
this is a number count :3
this is a number count :4
this is a number count :5
this is a number count :6
this is a number count :7
this is a number count :8
this is a number count :9
this is a number count :11
this is a number count :12 


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