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C coding compiler information


C programming language and c++ programming language is a most preferable language in collages and universities so this is also most useful languages of the collages and for c languages and c++ programming language what type of compiler we have to use is mainly are following below you see it 

there is many compiler are present in market which is use for compiling c language and c++ languages one of the most used compiler is mingw which is most used for c language and we can find it at many website where we download it and use it these compiler are there own installation process so if you want that go through our other installation related blog and know the process of installation

1. Mingw Compiler -

   mingw compiler is very known open source compiler and every c and c++ programmer and use it for compiling in vs-code , atom , sublime mostly used in windows and unix operating system this compiler is available for both apple macbook and microsoft windows also for linux operating system and we download it form many website where it was avaliable for free download 

Download link -

2. TDM GCC Compiler -
TDM GCC compiler is open source compiler and every c and c++ programmer and use it for compiling in vs-code , atom , sublime mostly used in windows and unix operating system this compiler is available for both apple macbook and microsoft windows also for linux operating system and we download it form many website where it was avaliable for free download and it similar in use as mingw

Download link -

3. TCC Compiler -
TCC compiler is used for compiling c programmer and use it for compiling in vs-code , atom , sublime mostly used in windows and unix operating system this compiler is available for both microsoft windows also for linux operating system and we download it form many website where it was avaliable for free download

{NOTE - this is not proper link so if it not work search on google or any browser by typing the tcc compiler  }
Download link -  

These compiler link are given below so if you want to download it then go to the link and download it and the process of installations you will get on youtube and in your blogs go to home page and search about the topic which you want the result are present in front of you .

What you have do before coding :

Every Computer science student have to do first thing before coding is start fast "Typing" and this is most important thing which we have to do. because programmer have to code without seeing keyboard and for that you have to practicing on typing learning software so for that go to chrome and search typing software and downloading it and you have to use it on regular bases because if you do not use it on regular base the typing practice of your are not successful so keep continuity .



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